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Acting Regent of Bogor Directly Inspects Rest Area and Puncak Gunung Mas

PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Acting Regent of Bogor Asmawa Tosepu invited all Heads of Regional Apparatus (PD) to carry out consolidation and field inspections to optimize the arrangement of the peak area. On the same occasion, Asmawa also held a Tea Walk in the Gunung Mas Puncak area with a number of PD Heads and Stakeholders within the Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab), Sunday (14/7/2024). Asmawa explained, today together with the ranks of the Bogor Regional Government and related stakeholders, Kadin, PHRI and Perumda are jointly carrying out sports around the rest area and Gunung Mas with a total track length of 5 kilometers. The first step is to maintain health, body and fitness. Apart from that, in its implementation there will be discussions regarding the utilization and development of this peak area. "After that, we continue with routine consolidation which we carry out in the context of evaluation. So monitoring what has been done, evaluating what has been done so that in the future it will be more comprehensive and integrated regarding the development of the Puncak area," he said. He expressed his gratitude because what the Bogor Regional Government had done received appreciation and attention from the central government, especially the national leadership, the President and Vice President. "And we have been asked to explain what the development plan for the Puncak area looks like to the Vice President, God willing, tomorrow Monday. Hopefully today's consolidation will ensure that the data we convey to our Vice President is valid, accurate and that is what is needed by the community," he said. Asmawa also explained that through this consolidation activity he could find out and evaluate in detail what all PDs had done. Then, in terms of monitoring evaluations that have been carried out, we can find out what deficiencies are needed in the arrangement of the Puncak area so that we can carry out mapping and inventory of existing problems. Also present were the Acting Regional Secretary of Bogor Regency, Administrative Assistant, Expert Staff of Ekabang, Heads of Departments, Head of Cisarua District, Director of Regional Hospitals throughout Bogor Regency, Head of South Tugu Village, Deputy Chairman of DPRD, Director of PDAM, Director of Sayaga Wisata, Director of Tohaga Market, Head of Sub-district Kogartap Mayor Inf Irwan Suwarna, Chair of PHRI and Chair of KADIN.